Art-Nature-Mindfulness Camp: Day 5
Our last day together has arrived! Today was filled with finishing our projects and completing our week of pebble meditation.
Day 5:
*Sun Print Tapestry Embroidery*
The campers excelled at using real needles to create their own embroidery designs.
*Pebble Pouch Necklaces*
We added necklace strings to our painted pebble meditation pouches so that we can carry them with us wherever we go!
*Habitat Construction Completion*
Finishing our habitats required us to be focused!
Some chose a night sky as their habitat.

Our recycled puzzle boxes were the perfect homes for our campers' creations!
*Nature Walk*
We were so busy with finishing our projects that we had to take a shorter nature walk today. But that didn't stop our new friends from enjoying the stroll!
*Insect Mandalas*
We painted wooden disks with watercolors for our backgrounds!

Then we used permanent stamps to create patterns on our disks.
*Pebble Meditation*
Since the weather was absolutely beautiful we concluded our pebble meditation practice outside. Today the campers chose what their new pebble represented. We had pebbles representing love, John Cena, and a shark tooth!
*Family Gallery Walk*
Each camper was given half of a table to show off their artwork. They could arrange their pieces however they chose - however it made sense to them!
To say that they were excited would be a complete understatement! They couldn't wait for their families to arrive to their art show!
It's always bittersweet when our camps come to a close. The last day is not only an opportunity for us to review and celebrate what we have accomplished, but also a chance for us to squeeze out as much fun as possible!
Thank you to each of our campers for making our week an artistic adventure!
Serious Cheesey Group Shot!
Plus we always need a silly one!
One camp down - a whole summer left to go!
Until next week!