Art Meets Science Camp: Day 2
Today was stellar!
We couldn't wait to have more fun with our campers!
Day 1:
*Together Time*
This summer we attended the University of Tennessee's Early Learning Institute Conference. The conference centered around the ideology of taking children outdoors to experience nature. It was especially centered on the research of Claire Warden and her Floorbook Approach. A class's Floorbook, or in our case a camp's Floorbook, is a tool for documentation in which both the teacher and the students actively participate in its creation.
We will use our Floorbook to record our daily findings and projects. This morning we reviewed what we had discussed yesterday during our Together Time.
We also thought and talked about what we already knew about space. Each camper had the chance to either write, draw, or dictate their ideas in our book.
After warming up our minds, we were ready to warm up our art muscles.
*Constellation Circles Part 1*
We used blue, black, and sparkly blue liquid watercolors to paint our skies!

We learned that applying more coats of watercolor paint would make our skies darker.

We LOVED the glitter!

While we waited for our skies to dry we had a special snack...
*Special Snack*
Yesterday was a camper's birthday and then we had another camper's birthday today! Together we sang "Happy Birthday" and ate a delicious snack in celebration!
Thankfully, we had help in making our table beautiful!
Thanks family for the grub!
*Constellation Circles Part 2*
Next we drilled holes in our skies to weave our lights through later!

We had to wear protective goggles just like professional scientists!
*Night Skies*
Today we painted night skies using the liquid watercolors we mixed up yesterday and oil pastels.

*Creative Play*

Using a book as a resource, one camper practiced drawing constellations - even coming up with some of her own!

Another camper drawing her own constellations!
Some campers chose to get comfy in our little reading nook and nestle up with our paleontology books!
This camper is all dressed up like a professional scientist!

A camper chose to sketch a piece of bark we found yesterday during our nature walk!
One camper helping another camper tape some hydrangea flowers on her artwork.
*Constellation Club*
Our campers came up with "Constellation Club." They came up with guidelines and lessons to teach each other.
They were geniuses! In order to hang up their constellations they ripped holes in their pages and pushed a limb through it.
A couple of club members posing in front of their drawings!
*Constellation Circles Part 3*
Ms. Tory taught us how to weave our lights through our drilled holes!

We had to be very patient when pulling our strips through the holes.

Sometimes we need help and that's okay because together we can complete any task!
*Story Time*
We closed our day with a story about the animal constellations that live in the night sky!
See you campers tomorrow!