Art Meets Science Camp: Day 4
What a fun last day of camp! Today's focus was on architecture and engineering!
Day 4:
*Together Time*
This morning we began camp by discussing the topic of construction.
We asked ourselves a series of questions:
"What tools are used in construction?"
"What kind of buildings or structures do we know?
"Who participates in construction?"
"Which materials are used in construction?"
*Our Structures*
Miss Tory passed around wooden square blocks to use as a foundation for our buildings.
We painted and glued our wooden pieces on our blocks.

Our campers enjoyed using our powdered tempera paint cakes!

Popsicle sticks made the best tools for applying glue to our small wood pieces!

Sisters! :-)

Our Individual Creations:
*A "Moana Play"*
This particular group of campers were very engaged in creating plays. Today they were able to perform one in front of an audience!
They coached each other along the way!
They learned to listen and compromise with each other's ideas and directions.

Due to the humidity and the heat, we brought our play indoors.
I believe we have some future actors in this group!
*Measuring Exploration*
An invitation to create today consisted of our group architecture project, rulers, pencils, large paper, and a variety of construction books.
This camper used the ruler to measure each block's height on our group project. She wrote her findings in a grid that she made using the ruler as a guide.
Another camper made a calendar using the ruler!
One camper used his tools on the go - constantly investigating the world around him!
While the train was passing the studio, the campers held their rulers up in the sky and attempted to measure its length.
*Story Time*
We concluded our day with a studio favorite!
The campers intently listened as I read "Ada Twist, Scientist" by Andrea Beaty.
After we read, we thought about what scientists we'd be in the future.
We had a room full of biologists, anthropologists, marine biologists, and shark helpers!
*Art Show*
The campers' creations decorated the entire studio!
Prism/Rainbow Catchers!
Science journals, Color Mixing Flags, and Oil Pastel Night Paintings!
My personal favorite project of the week - Constellation Circles!

Our campers were so excited to show off their masterpieces to their families!

What an incredible week! The campers continuously surprised me with their brilliance! It's always an adventure exploring the different avenues of STEAM with our students.
:-) :-) :-)
It's been a crazy first three weeks of summer camp! Thankfully, we have a brief week of respite before starting back up again. :-)
Look for our upcoming activities and events on our Facebook and website!
See you in a few weeks!