Art Meets Science: Day 4!
It's hard to believe today was our last day of Art Meets Science camp for this week and the entire summer! The week has flown by, and we had a final day full of discussing all types of birds, including chickens, and we even got to see and hold a special surprise from our own chickens!
We started our day with our morning together time, and Ms. Kim read us a special book called Hello Chickens!

We learned that chickens like to live in a special chicken house called a coop and that some chickens live on farms and some live in backyards like our chickens!

Chickens can come in many different colors including brown, white, black, yellow, and all kinds of other colors. Female chickens are called hens, and they are the chickens that lay eggs.
Our campers told us about other creatures they knew about that lay eggs including snakes and other reptiles!
We also had a special surprise to show our campers this morning...

...4 eggs that our chickens laid yesterday!! We were so excited because these are the first eggs from our chickens. We talked about how some eggs are called hatching eggs and some eggs, like ours, are non-hatching eggs. When hens lay hatching eggs, that means a tiny chick will come out when it's ready.
We passed around our eggs and everyone got to see them up close and feel them. Some even listened just in case there was a baby chick in them!

We wanted to try and investigate more eggs so we set out on our last nature walk of the week in search of bird's nests that sat high above us!
We saw a few nests waaay up high, but it was what was close to the ground that intrigued us the most! We saw flies, which have wings like birds, and we also looked for our worm friend we helped yesterday.
We found a few spider webs in some bushes, and our campers noted that spiders lay eggs too! Our campers had fun sketching what they saw and even getting to draw a few new bugs they found including a red fern bug that they named "the spider-man bug!"

When we came back from our walk, we spent a few minutes out back in our mud kitchen area, sketched some of the insects we found, and of course had to say hello to our clucking, feathered friends!

It was such a hot day that we ended our outside time a little early to head in for a water break and snack.
Once we re-charged, it was time to paint our crickets from yesterday! We remembered from our book that crickets are usually green, brown, black, or sometimes red!
While our crickets were drying, a few campers worked on finished our cricket habitat so they could have somewhere to live!

We had just one final project to complete before it was time to set up our art show for our families...and it involved feathers!!
We used clay to mold and shape our very own chickens!!
Some chickens had 3 eyes, some had macaroni noodle claws or beaks, and others had big feathers while some preferred the natural look. :) Our campers had so much fun each creating their unique friends.
Once we were done, we set up all of our creations to show them off to our family and friends!

We had such a wonderful week with our campers and are so happy they loved investigating, experimenting and exploring as much as we did!
Thanks for a wonderful week and happy adventures!
-Ms. Tory and Ms. Kim